provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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BOGS (Birds of Oregon and General Science)

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Questions about BOGS?

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MEETING LOCATION (live presentations):
215 W. C St., Springfield OR 97477
Phone: 541-736-4444

BIRD WALKS: Bird walks are 8-11 on 2nd and 4th THURSDAYS; until June. Beginning in June the Bird walks will start at 8am and end at 11am. In September bird walks will return to 9-12Noon.
Membership is not required to go on bird walks; nor is there any fee. Bird walk destinations and leaders are announced via our weekly Tuesday email to members. This web page is not always kept current regarding upcoming bird walks partly because the bird walk leaders often do inform me of their destination until 2 days before the walk; and also partly because of the time it takes to duplicate the efforts of putting together he weekly email announcements in a format for this webpage. We recommend you get on our email list by coming to a BOGS meeting or writing to Priscilla at

With regard to carpooling to bird-walk destinations, carpooling is your choice. At this time we ask you to drive to the DESTINATION for that day at the starting time to meet the bird walk leader and those participating.

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PRESENTATION: May 16, 2024; 9-10:30 am
Speaker: Marli Miller

Marli Miller is the author of ROADSIDE GEOLOGY OF OREGON, 2nd edition.
She is a senior instructor and researcher at the University of Oregon. She completed her BA in geology at Colorado College in 1982 and her MS and PhD in structural geology at the University of Washington in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Marli teaches a variety of courses, including introductory geology, structural geology, field geology, and geophotography. She is the author of several books about Pacific Northwest geology, including Roadside Geology of Oregon and Oregon Rocks! a guide to 60 amazing geologic sites. Her website: has more than 5000 searchable geologic photos for free download.

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Bird Walk: Thursday, 9-Noon, May 23, 2024
LEADER: Donna A.
Oregon Country Fair site

This has always been a very popular locations for a bird walk. It's fun to see the Fair booths before they are all re-tooled for the upcoming Fair in July. The habitat is prime for local birds too!

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Also May 23: COAST DAY TRIP Thursday, 7am - 4pm, May 23, 2024
A mini-bus trip via Willamalane bus.
LEADER: Priscilla.
DESTINATION: Eugene to Florence via Hwy 126, then North to Yachats, with a number of birding stops, looking especially for "last wave" of migrating Shorebirds.
This trip is full,(capacity = 13), though we sometimes have people drop, so it may be worth looking at the Willamalane website to see if there is an opening.

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BIRD WALK: Thursday, May 30, 2024; 9-Noon,
DESTINATION: To be arrranged

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PRESENTATION: June 6; 9-11 am
Speaker: SPEAKER: Marina Richie
TOPIC: Flight of the Kingfisher

Join author Marina Richie for stories and excerpts from her award-winning book, Halcyon Journey: In Search of the Belted Kingfisher—illustrated by Newport artist Ram Papish and published by Oregon State University Press in 2022. Richie's narrative weaves natural history, myth, and memoir to illuminate the jay-sized bird of the headfirst dive and rattling cry. Ultimately, she reveals an inviting pathway for all seeking kinship with nature nearby. This is the first book to feature North America's beloved Belted Kingfisher.

Marina Richie is a nature writer living in Bend, Oregon. Richie’s articles, essays, and poetry appear in literary publications, popular magazines, blogs, and in book collections. She is also the author of two children's books: Bird Feats of Montana and Bug Feats of Montana. Her education includes an M.A. in Journalism from the University of Montana and a B.A. in Biology from the University of Oregon. Richie has worked as a journalist, writer of interpretive signs, wildlife viewing coordinator, and communications director for wildlife initiatives. She serves on the board of the Greater Hells Canyon Council and writes a bi-monthly blog of prose and poetry at

Her book just won the BURROUGHS medal:

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After the June 6th Presentation we will begin Summer Birding Hours; 8am to 11am for bird walks. This will continue until September.

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BIRD WALK: Nesting Song Birds;Thursday, June 20, 2024; 9 a.m. to Noon
LEADER: Priscilla S.
DESTINATION: Mt Pisgah Arboretum

This is our annual "nesting song birds" walk through the Arboretum at Mt Pisgah.
For anyone who is distance-challenged, much of the action on this walk, is in the first patch of trees as one leaves the parking lot and enters the Arboretum. We sometimes spend up to an hour right there.
After that we slowly move along the Coast Fork trail up to the large meadow.

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SLIDESHOW BOGS Winter 2023-24 FIVE Raptor Runs.
Here's a slideshow of all five of our Raptor Runs for Winter 2023-24
Along with the photos of RAPTORS, this slideshow has lots of very nice photos of the participants, taken by our wonderful (Willamalane) bus driver SUE PHILIP. OUR BOGS/WILLAMALANE COLLABORATION WAS A VERY SATISFYING SUCCESS,
especially considering it was a new venture.

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In the black navigation bar near the top of the website, the "INFO" button on the left end now will take you to the following page: That page has links to the CURRENT TERM CLENDAR as well as the Speaker list from the previous term (Fall 2022) you may have missed some really great presentations; Also on the INFO links page: the list of BOGS volunteers; and the History of BOGS. These pages have been updated to reflect the recent changes in our meeting location; the list of volunteers, and the addition of the Fall Term Speaker Calendar. Each of those pages has a "HOME PAGE" link to bring you back to the home page, or you can just use the back button on your browser.

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Recent additions: The most recent have already been announced. Nothing new has been submitted, so anyone wishing to have some of their photos added can send them to me! Most recenty added were:
Donna A. sent in Calliope Hummingbird photos and Neena H. tells an interesting story of vultures feeding on her property. Ginny McVickar and Carolyn Nielsen sent in photos of Osprey, Wood Ducks, Band-tailed Pigeons, and C. Geese chicks. Previously upoaded were two photos of newly arrived Evening Grosbeaks taken by BOGS member Ginny McVickar of Pleasant Hill to the photo-blog page, and Photos by Carolyn N, of Osprey, Wood Duck, Band-tailed Pigeon and C. Geese with chicks.
(Click on photo-blog link below)

(In the future you can get to the photo-blog by going to the top of this page to the black menu bar and clicking on "Blog(new)" at the right right end of the menu bar.

Send photos to or use my usual email address and I will upload them to the Photo-Blog page.
Members Photo-Blog

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Below I have included a list compiled by both Doris and myself, of all the places Steve Barron has taken us, as well as a few additional places we have gone only during previous Summers.

Here is a list of places BOGS has gone birding in the past

  1. Delta Ponds at the Valley River Center Bike Bridge
  2. North Delta Ponds area - with parking on Goodpasture Island Road.
  3. Fern Ridge Reservoir at the end of Royal Ave. (park on road unless you have a permit from Fish and Wildlife),
  4. Perkins Peninsula off West 11th, with the Cantrell Rd. addition
  5. Kirk Pond, at the base of Fern Ridge Dam and nearby park area.
  6. Mt. Pisgah arboretum, note parking permits very important here, day passes can be purchased at the parking area.
  7. Golden Gardens, take Barger Dr. off 99, then right at Golden Gardens St., (just past Beltline) to end of road.
  8. EWEB Wetlands, west side of EWEB building off Roosevelt, between Beltline and Bertelson.
  9. Millrace bicycle path in Springfield.
  10. Dorris Ranch
  11. Clearwater Landing
  12. Alton Baker Park - walking from Campbell Center.
  13. East Alton Baker Park, access by walking south on utility road east of Auzen Stadium and east of BMX track
  14. Skinner’s Butte - walking from Campbell Center.
  15. Heron Park, at Aspen and D street in Springfield
  16. Checkermallow Access to Meadowlark Prairie: (on Royal Ave, east of Greenhill Rd).
  17. Halsey Raptor run, a car tour through areas northeast of Eugene.
  18. Stewart Pond, off Bertelson on Stewart Rd.
  19. Hileman County Park, 2.5 miles north of Beltline turn right on E Beacon. At junction turn left on Hileman Ln
  20. Elijah Bristow State Park, off Hywy 58, between Trent and Dexter
  21. Zumwalt County Park, Vista Dr., Veneta
  22. Riverbend Hospital. The south end of the building has trails in a shady, very nice area for hot weather.

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Is that a (give bird name) that I hear singing?

BIRD SONGS: Online Resources - listen to any bird's songs or calls

If you have a smartphone, there are numerous apps for birding which can play the songs and calls of birds, but if you don't have one, you can go online and explore the songs and calls of any bird. Here are two exceptionally good websites for this:
XENO-CANTO Bird recordings
Here is an example recording from This is a recording of several Short-eared Owls harassing a Northern Harrier. The owls are doing a lot of their "barking" calls. The Harrier can be heard at 0.55 seconds and there-after.

The McCaulay library includes not only recordings of songs and calls, but also has photographs and videos of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians! Here is the "How to" page with instructions for using this website:
McCaulay Library

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CLICK HERE FOR: Winter Raptors: A Mini-Tutorial by Priscilla Sokolowski Meant for those not very familiar with Hawks and other raptors found in the Southern Willamette Valley from November to March, and who want some helpful "look-for-this" kinds of details. This tutorial includes the most common Winter-only species. It does not include some of the year-round hawks such as Cooper's, Sharp-shinned or Red-shouldered Hawks; nor does it include Owls. Some who have worked through this tutorial have found it very helpful and easy to use. Check it out before our Raptor Runs this Winter!

ACCESSING eBird Data to Find Birds
An online version of a Presentation made for BOGS by Priscilla Sokolowski
on June 20, 2019
A tutorial consisting of many screenshots of the various pages of the website, illustrating how to do various kinds of searches to find where birds are being seen; where to go looking for particular species (anywhere in the world); what is being seen recently (anywhere you want to know about); and more ...

How to REGISTER an account at and submit your birding checklists!
An online annotated tutorial made for BOGS by Priscilla Sokolowski

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In the list below,the most recently ADDED links are nearer to the top; (This isn't always the same as the order in which the walks took place).
NOTE: For the most complete and Chronological listing of BOGS slideshows and trip reports dating back to 2013, click on the "BOGS-LINKS" item on the black menu bar at top of this page.

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Willamalane Malheur Refuge
June 14, 2022

Ferruginous Hawks; photo by Don Laufer

Willamalane Ankeny & Baskett Slough Refuges
May 17, 2022

Black headed Grosbeak photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Booth-Kelly Millrace Trailhead
May 13, 2022

Common Yellowthroat; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Heron Park
April 29, 2022

Wilson's Warbler; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Skinner Butte
April 22, 2022

Bald Eagle in Nest; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Fern Ridge Royal
April 8, 2022

Lincoln's Sparrow; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Dorris Ranch
Sept. 30, 2021

Acorn Woodpecker: photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Thurston Hills
Old Weyerhauser Rd
Sept. 23, 2021

Landscape View; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Delta Ponds
Sept. 9, 2021

Mink running; photo by Priscilla

BOGS Riverbend Trails

Aug 26, 2021

Cedar Waxwing photo by Priscilla Sokolowski

Raptor Run #2, Winter, 2021-22
Dec. 16, 2021

Rough-legged Hawk-photo by Steve Kilpatrick

Raptor Run #1, Winter, 2021-22
Nov. 6, 2021

Photo: American Bald Eagle by Don Delaufer

Kirk Pond
July 22, 2021

Northern Flicker - photo by Priscilla

Perkins Peninsula
July 8, 2021

Cedar Waxwing - photo by Don Laufer

Delta Ponds (north)
June 24, 2021

Kingfisher - photo by Don Laufer

Heron Park (east Alton Baker)
June 10, 2021

Great Blue Heron - photo by Priscilla

Clearwater Landing
May 27, 2021

Cedar Waxwings in nest - photo by Chris Kilpatrick

Mt Pisgah Arboretum
May 13, 2021

Western Tanager - photo by Priscilla

Jasper Millrace Path
April 29, 2021

Green Heron - photo by Priscilla

Fern Ridge Royal
April 22, 2021

Marsh Wren- photo by Don Laufer

Great Horned Owl fledglings!
Mar.26, 2021

Young GHO Fledgling-photo by Priscilla

NON-BOGS: SIX Winter Raptor Trips
Nov. 2020 - Mar. 2021

Burrowing Owl & Rough-legged Hawk
Linn County-photos by Priscilla
Birding trips were done from separate cars using two-way-radio communcations

BOGS Raptor Run #4
Feb. 27, 2020

Burrowing Owl - photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Checkermallow
Jan 23, 2020

BOGS Group - photo by Priscilla

BOGS Raptor Run #3
Jan. 16, 2020

Say's Phobe - photo by Priscilla

Non-bogs Williamson's Sapsucker in Eugene
Jan 9, 2020

Williamson's Sapsucker - photo by Priscilla

BOGS Stewart Pond
Jan 9, 2020

Western Meadowlark - photo by Priscilla

Non-bogs Oakridge Christmas Bird Count
Jan 9, 2020

Great Gray Owl - photo by Don Laufer

Raptor Run #2
Dec 19, 2019 - Linn County

Bald Eagle - photo by Priscilla

Faptor Run #1,
Dec 12, 2019 - Linn County

American Kestrel - photo by Priscilla

Three November Birding Trip SLIDESHOWS
Nov 7 (Finley); Nov 14 (Delta Ponds); Nov 21 (Hileman County Park);

Swan (Don Laufer); Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Priscilla Sokolowski); Red-breasted Sapsucker (Priscilla Sokolowski)

Five OCTOBER BOGS bird walk slide shows
Oct 3; 10; 17; 24; 31, 2019

Western Bluebirds, (Don Laufer); Green Island Ferry remnants, (Priscilla Sokolowski); Fox Sparrow, (Don Laufer); Anna's Hummingbird, (Greg Hyde); Townsend's Warbler, (Don Laufer)

Four SEPTEMBER BOGS bird walk slide shows
Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, 2019

Yellow Warbler (Don Laufer); Western Tanager (Steve Barron); Flower (Don Laufer); Chorus Frog (Priscilla Sokolowski)

Five AUGUST BOGS bird walk slide shows
August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2019

Western Kingbird; Greater Yellowlegs; California Quail;

Western Wood Pewee; Black-headed Grosbeak
- photos by Priscilla and Don

Green Heron eating Lamprey larvae (ammocoetes)
July 2, 2019; 9am

Lamprey Larvae - photo by Priscilla Sokolowski

Summer Annual Birding at Finley Wildlife Refuge
July 25, 2019

Acorn Woodpecker
Photo by Priscilla

BOGS Summer Birding
Whilamut Area (east Alton Baker)
July 18, 2019

American Goldfinch
Photo by Don Laufer

Rasor Park and Riverbend Trails
July 4 & July 11, 2019

Lesser Goldfinch
photo by Don Laufer

Summer Birding: Fern Ridge Reservoir - Royal Ave
June 27, 2019

Western Bluebird
photo by Don Laufer

BOG 32nd St. Millrace
June 13, 2019

Green Heron
photo by Priscilla_

Delta Ponds along River - led by Steve Barron
May 30, 2019

photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Mt. Pisgah Arboretum
May 23, 2019

Very young Robin
photo by Priscilla

Birds of Eugene area; Swallow Pond; Fisher Unit & Skinner Butte
May 4-7, 2019

Raven with stolen egg
Photo by Priscilla

BOBS Fern Ridge Royal, led by Floyd Weitzel
May 9, 2019

Marsh Wren Singing
photo by Priscilla

BOGS Dorris Ranch
w/ arborist Alby Thoumsin
May 2, 2019

Heritage Big Leaf Maple Tree

Fisher Unit, Perkins Peninsula, Warren Slough, Fern Ridge Royal
Spring Migration, April 27 & 28, 2019

Red-winged Blackbird & Yellow-headed Blackbird
- photos by Priscilla

BOGS Golden Gardens Bird Walk led by Donna Albino
April 25, 2019

Warbling Vireo
photo by Priscilla

Skinner Butte Warbler Migration
April 15 and April 19, 2019

Cassin's Vireo
photo by Priscilla

BOGS Checkermallow (Meadowlark Prairie)
April 11, 2019

Barn Swallow
photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Skinner Butte,
Mar. 28, 2019

Red-breasted Nuthatch
photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Finley Wildlife Refuge,
Mar. 14, 2019

Western Bluebird
photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Alton Baker Park
Feb. 14, 2019

Great Blue Heron on nest
photo by Don Laufer

Raptor Run #2
Jan. 31, 2019

Sub-adult Bald Eagle,
3rd year, 2nd basic plumage_

BOGS Heron Park along millrace
Jan. 24, 2019

Red-winged Blackbird
Photo by Priscilla

BOGS Delta Ponds along bike path
Jan 10, 2019_

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Priscilla

BOGS Meadowlark Prairie (Checkermallow) TRIP REPORT, Nov 8, 2018
Nov. 8, 2018_

Rough-legged Hawk
photo by Priscilla

BOGS Meadowlark Prairie (Checkermallow) SLIDESHOW,
Date: Nov 8, 2018

Belted Kingfisher
photo by Don Laufer

Kirk Pond - led by Floyd Weitzel_
Oct 25, 2018

Great Egret
photo by Don Laufer

Clearwater Landing_
Oct 11, 2018

Spotted Towhee
photo by Don Laufer

Fern Ridge (Royal)
Sept 27, 2018

American Pipit
photo by Priscilla

BOGS first Fall bird walk. Delta Ponds along the river
Sept 13, 2018


ROAD SCHOLAR TRIP TO MAINE: "A Birder's Dream; Birding Down East Maine"
Aug 19-24, 2018
This first page is a slideshow to Monday's Machias Seal Island (10 miles out to Sea) where Atlantic Puffins were very approachable
Jody took some fantastic photographs there!
There are also links to the rest of our trip for Tues-Thurs. but you can access that page separately (see below).

Atlantic Puffin
photo by Jody Fairchild

ROAD SCHOLAR TRIP TO MAINE: "A Birder's Dream; Birding Down East Maine" - PART 2
Aug 19-24, 2018

This webpage has everything else after the Puffin Boat trip we did on Monday.
It ends with another boat trip out to Head Harbor Passage where tides range 16 feet and whales and gulls congregate to feed on shrimp and krill caught up in massive currents and upwelling waters.

Minke Whale

ANNUAL SLIDESHOW, Best Photos, Sept 2017 to Sept 2018
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Alton Baker Park,
Aug 30, 2018

MINK!-photo by Priscilla

BOGS Zumwalt County Park
Aug 2, 2018

Western Grebe with babies riding on her back
photo by Priscilla

BOGS Fern Ridge Royal
July 26, 2018

Juvenile Robin
photo by Priscilla

Riverbend Hospital Trails
July 12, 2018

Baby Robin calling for food
photo by Priscilla

Kirk Park (below Fern Ridge dam)
July 5, 2018

Violet Green Swallow - photo by Don Laufer
River Otter
photo by Priscilla

East Alton Baker Park (Whilamut Natural Area)
June 28, 2018

Brown Creeper - photo by Priscilla

Mt Pisgah Arboretum - First Summer 2018 Bird Walk. The action was HOT!!
June 14, 2018

Male Bullock's Oriole feeding young. Photo by Don Laufer

LAKEVIEW 3-day Birding Trip
May 22-24, 2018

(TWO PHOTO SETS!! One by Priscilla and one by Don Laufer)

Black-crowned Night Heron, photo by Priscilla

BOGS Perkins Peninsula
May 10, 2018

Acorn Wooddpecker - photo by Priscilla

BOGS Golden Gardens; trip report and photos by Don Laufer
April 26, 2018

Killdeer; photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Skinner Butte
April 12, 2018

Black-throated Gray Warbler. Photo by Don Laufer

BOGS Walterville Reservoir
Mar. 29, 2018

Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Don Laufer

Red Foxes Slideshow!
March 15, 2018

Red Fox

TRIP REPORT: BOGS Delta Ponds along river
Mar. 8, 2018

Anna's Hummingbird

MAP: Steve's Hand Drawn Map
Route of Raptor Run we drove Jan 25, 2018

Thumbnail view of Map

BOGS Heron Park bird walk
Feb 8, 2018

Mallard and Bufflehead

Don Laufer: Ruff Park
Fox Sparrow & Pileated Woodpecker
Jan 19, 2018


Fox Sparrow & Pileated Woodpecker
Fox Sparrow scratching for grubs
Pileated Woodpecker Slow-Motion

Jennifer, Janet, LaRue and I visited D-Hill Owls
Feb 9, 2018

Short-eared Owl

Don Laufer's Short-eared Owls at Diamond Hill_
Feb 5, 2018

Short-eared Owl

Exploring locations for Short-eared Owls and revisiting Diamond Hill Wetlands
Feb 3, 2018

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owls at Diamond Hill
Jan 27, 2018

Short-eared Owl

Raptors: Belts and Diamond Hill area roads,
Jan 26, 2018

Red-tailed Hawk

VIDEO: Dunlin Flock in flight
VIDEO: Second video Dunlin Flock in flight

BOGS Raptor Run,
Jan 25, 2018

American Bald Eagle

Steve's hand drawn Raptor Run Route Map, (coming ...)

Raptor Route Drive-Check with Steve
Jan 16, 2018

Juvenile Tundra Swan

Raptor Route Research Trip
Jan 16, 2018

Short-eared Owl

Raptor Run Computer Drawn Maps

BOGS Finley Refuge
Jan 11, 2018

American Kestrel

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Back in February or April, the folks who do the computer programming at Cornell's website, re-did much of the website. While their work made improvements, especially in the ease of use by smartphones, one unfortunate result is that the widgets by BirdTrax, which use eBird data, no longer function. This will probably be a permanent state of affairs, so I have removed the widgets from the "Recent Sightings" page of this website. I still have a frame with working links from the site, so plenty of information can still be gleaned that way.

RECENT SIGHTINGS reported to eBIRD for Lane County

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Jan 2013 - Present

ALL Non-BOGS SLIDESHOWS from Trips, Festivals, Projects


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About the thumbnail photos:
The rows of thumbnail-sized photos adorning the home page are some of my best photos or else some of my most interesting. Most of them were taken on non-BOGS birding outings. If you click on a thumbnail it will give you a full screen view of the image. Use the back button/arrow on your browser to return to the home page.

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