provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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Bird list for BOGS walk at Golden Gardens Park, Thurs. 04-25-19, 9-11:40am.
Leader: Donna Albino. Weather: hazy sun then sun; warmish to warm.
-bird list compiled by Janet Naylor

  1. Great blue heron
  2. Canada goose
  3. Cackling goose
  4. Wood duck
  5. Gadwall
  6. Mallard
  7. Green-winged teal
  8. Bald eagle (juvenile)
  9. Red-tailed hawk (2 juveniles)
  10. Cooper's hawk
  11. American kestrel
  12. Turkey vulture
  13. Killdeer
  14. Spotted sandpiper
  15. Eurasian collared dove
  16. Red-shafted flicker
  17. American crow
  18. Warbling vireo
  19. Anna's hummingbird
  20. Vaux's swift
  21. Tree swallow
  22. Violet-green swallow
  1. Purple martin
  2. Black capped chickadee
  3. Bewick's wren
  4. Ruby-crowned kinglet
  5. American robin
  6. Orange-crowned warbler
  7. Yellow-rumped warbler (both Audubon and Myrtle races)
  8. Black-throated gray warbler
  9. Wilson's warbler
  10. Common yellowthroat
  11. Western tanager
  12. Spotted towhee
  13. Song sparrow
  14. White-crowned sparrow
  15. Lazuli bunting
  16. Red-winged blackbird
  17. Brown-headed cowbird
  18. House finch
  19. Lesser goldfinch
  20. American goldfinch
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We had a huge turnout for this lovely Spring day birdwalk led by Donna. But the YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS turned out in far far greater numbers! Few if any of us have ever seen so many of these Warblers in any one morning. These birds were in every patch of vegetation all around the ponds all morning long!

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The walk began alphabetically with American Goldfinches. Then Yellow-rumps and Spotted Towhees were quick to make their bid for attention.

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Canada Goslings were seen several timesk, and flocks of adult C. Geese were also seen flying around several times.

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Another highlight for me and probably for quite a few others, were the sightings of Warbling Vireos at two if not three different locations. I Worked hard for quite a while, at trying to get nice photographs of the first one. Had I known the last one was going to pose prettily for us out in the open I wouldn't have spent so much time and effort on the first one, but oh well! One can't count on another bird sighting when it is a species we almost never see on BOGS bird walks. In fact I've only seen a few Warbling Vireos in my many years of birding and this was the first time I got photographs of them.

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The weather started out cool in the low 40s but steadily warmed up. Towards the end of the walk I took off my jacket. I had prepared for the heat by wearing a sleeveless top under my jacket. Some folks found themselves over-heating a bit by the time we got back to the cars.

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