provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

BOGS North Delta Ponds,

 Mar 9, 2017

Bird List compiled by Doris Wimber

Bird list for walk at the North Delta Ponds, by Goodpasture Island Rd.,
Thursday, 9a.m. to 11:30a.m., March 9, 2017.
Heavy rain at start, then mostly just light, misty rain for most of the morning.

  1. Pied-billed grebe
  2. Double-crested cormorant
  3. Great blue heron
  4. Canada goose
  5. Cackling goose
  6. Wood duck
  7. Mallard
  8. Gadwall
  9. Green-winged teal
  10. Red-tailed hawk
  11. American coot
  12. Anna’s hummingbird
  13. Northern flicker
  14. Downy woodpecker
  1. Western scrub jay
  2. American crow
  3. Tree swallow
  4. Violet green swallow
  5. Black-capped chickadee
  6. Bushtit
  7. Brown creeper
  8. Pacific wren
  9. Bewick’s wren (heard)
  10. Yellow-rumped warbler
  11. Song sparrow
  12. Red-winged blackbird
  13. American goldfinch