Bird Photography
Photos from personal trips AND trips with
Birds of Oregon and General Science, (BOGS)
in association with Eugene's Celeste Campbell Center
BOGS Skinner Butte, April 10, 2014
A group of BOGS members (Jody, Marylee, Mary Morison, Marvel, Jennifer Haynes and me),
attended the John Scharff Migratory Bird Festival in Burns this past weekend,
so we missed the bird walk to Skinner Butte on Thursday.
We are fortunate in that Don Laufer took a set of excellent photos for BOGS
on Thursday's walk, and has generously allowed me to use them for the trip photo album.
He got some great shots of the newly hatched Eagle chick.
Last year I think it was April 9 that the Eagle chick was seen the first time.
Don also got great shots of the Black-Throated Gray Warbler
and some Violet-Green Swallows. But all the pictures he has shared with us are excellent!
I've added captions to some of the photos and made some enlargements
featuring the newly hatched baby Eaglet.
Don tells me that some of those on the walk that day did not see the Eagle chick,
as he remained on the trail photographing the nest
and was there when the mother Eagle stood up to feed the chick,
while some of the group had already left that area.
In any case, he got some great pictures showing the baby Eaglet,
so whether you were there and saw it,
or whether you missed it, or whether you were not on the walk at all,
Don's photos will give you several nice views of it.
The photo album for the Skinner Butte walk premiers one page of a web site I have been developing. The main point of the website is to display photos in slideshow galleries on my own website, rather than using Google's Picasa albums or Yahoo's Flckr web albums. In addition, the website will have all my trip reports for the last year and most, if not all the bird lists compiled by Doris for our bird walks. This is the first time I've shared any of this new website, so there may be things which need to be adjusted or changed. For example, I am concerned that I may have set up the pages to be too large for the monitors some folks are using. That is something I can change without too much trouble (I think), so let me know. If that is the case for you, hold down the control key and press the "-" key (next to the "+" key on your keyboard) to shrink the zoom level of the webpage. (This works on most websites actually if you didn't know about it). Hopefully, after some tweaking, this slideshow gallery approach will end up working better for those of you who have had trouble viewing the picasa albums.
I welcome any suggestions you may have about adjustments / changes to the slideshow gallery page.
For example:
Do the images change too quickly or are they going too slowly?
Do you find it necessary to use the control + "-" key to get the images small enough for your screen?
Is there anything else which you feel might be improved in some way?
When you load the webpage, the slideshow begins automatically.
However, there are small buttons centered above the picture,
allowing you to pause or start the slideshow or to page through the photos one-by-one.
Alternatively, the thumbnails can be clicked to jump to any of the images.
Don got a nice photo of a Violet-Green Swallow at a bird feeder at a home in the neighborhood on the walk back to Campbell Center.
TRIP ALBUM: Click on the link below and if that does not work, copy the URL and paste it into your browser.