Bird photography

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)

of Celeste Campbell Center

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Bird photography

Birds seen on January 30, 2014, at Fern Ridge Reservoir,

at the end of Royal Avenue, 9:15 to 12:00.

---- compiled by Doris Wimber ----

The weather was dry, calm, and sunny.

1. Great egret

2. Canada goose

3. Cackling goose

4. Mallard

5. Gadwall

6. American wigeon

7. Northern pintail

8. Northern shoveler

9. White-tailed kite

10. Northern harrier

11. Red-tailed hawk

12. Bald eagle

13. American kestrel

14. Greater yellowlegs

15. Dunlin

16. Spotted sandpiper

17. Acorn woodpecker

18. Northern flicker

19. Northern shrike

20. Scrub jay

21. American crow

22. Black-capped chickadee

23. White breasted nuthatch

24. Bewick's wren

25. American robin

26. European starling

27. Yellow-rumped warbler

28. Spotted towhee

29. Savannah sparrow

30 Song sparrow

31. Red-winged blackbird