Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)

of Celeste Campbell Center

Bird photography

Bird list for Nov. 14, 2013,

walk between Dorris Ranch and Clearwater Park.  

—- compiled by Doris Wimber —-

Weather cloudy, cool and dry.

1. Double crested cormorant

2. Great blue heron

3. Canada goose

4. Cackling goose

5. Mallard

6. Ring-necked duck

7. Common merganser

8. Cooper's hawk

9. Red-tailed hawk

10. Rock pigeon

11. Pileated woodpecker

12. Northern flicker

13. Downy woodpecker

14. Steller's jay

15. Scrub jay

16. Black-capped chickadee

17. Bushtit

18. Brown creeper

19. Winter wren

20. Bewick's wren (heard)

21. Golden-crowned kinglet

22. Ruby-crowned kinglet

23. Cedar waxwing

24. Spotted towhee

25. Song sparrow

26. Fox sparrow

27. Golden crowned sparrow

28. Wrentit