Photos from personal trips AND trips with
“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)
of Celeste Campbell Center
Bird list for walk at Golden Gardens Park in NW Eugene,
May 29, 2014. 9:15 to 11:30 a.m.
— compiled by Doris Wimber —
Mostly sunny, cool breeze and dry. Birds were plentiful, this list is probably incomplete. Are any sparrows or warblers missing?
1. Pied billed grebe
2. Great blue heron
3. Green heron
4. Canada goose
5. Mallard
6. Turkey vulture
7. Osprey
8. Red-tailed hawk
9. Kildeer
10. Spotted sandpiper
11. Mourning dove (Overhead flock)
12. Anna's hummingbird
13. Western wood peewee
14. American crow
15. Barn swallow
16. Violet-green swallow
17. Tree swallow
18. Robin
19. Cedar waxwing
20. Common yellowthroat
21. Spotted towhee
22. Savannah sparrow
23. Song sparrow
24. Lazuli bunting
25. Red-winged blackbird
26. Lesser goldfinch
27. American goldfinch
28. Black-headed grosbeak