Bird Photography

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with
Birds of Oregon and General Science, (BOGS) in association with Eugene's Celeste Campbell Center

provided by:
Priscilla Sokolowski
Eugene, OR
background color strip DARK BROWN background
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BOGS is a quote: over 50; unquote, birding group. We meet every Thursday morning at the Campbell Center on 155 High Street in Eugene, from September through May. The first and third Thursdays are lectures on birds or general science topics. The second, fourth and fifth Thursdays are bird walks. Membership is open to anyone over 50 years old. Registration per quarter is $5.00. This goes to pay rent expenses for the room.

We have three Quarters: Fall, Winter, and Spring. A potluck is held the last meeting of each quarter as an opportunity to get better acquainted. Registration is the first meeting of each quarter. A DVD is shown on topics relating to birding on the first and last day of each quarter, during the registration process and at the potluck.

Questions about BOGS? Contact:

Date Activity
Speaker & Topic / Bird Walk & Leader
Jan 8 Bird Walk Fern Ridge Reservoir on Royal Ave.
Leader: Steve Barron
Jan. 15 Registration WINTER Quarter Begins - DVD: Scott McNeeley's 108 Home Birds
Jan. 22 Bird Walk Delta Ponds beginning at pedestrian/bike bridge at Valley River Center.
Car Pool from Campbell Center at 8:50am or meet at bike bridge.
Leader: Steve Barron
Jan. 29 Bird Walk Delta Ponds on east side of Goodpasture Island Rd.
Car Pool from Campbell Center at 8:50am,
Leader: Steve Barron
Feb. 5 Lecture Dr. Sean Murphy, Ornithologist: "Water Birds in the Great Basin Wetlands"
Feb. 12 Bird Walk Destination: To be announced
Leader: Steve Barron
Feb. 19 Lecture Steve Barron: "Cruising the Galappolas Islands"
Jody Fairchild: "Finch Research on the Galappolas Islands"
Feb. 26 Bird Walk Destination: To be announced
Leader: Steve Barron

Mar. 5 Lecture Joe Kozeneck: "Hiking the 800 mile Arizona Trail SOLO, at age 70..."
Mar. 12 Bird Walk Destination: To be announced
Leader: Steve Barron

Mar. 19 End-of-Term POTLUCK! Winter Quarter ends. Time to Celebrate & look forward to Spring!

Mar. 26 Bird Walk Destination: Stewart Pond
Leader: Steve Barron
Apr. 2 -REGISTRATION for Spring Term REGISTRATION and DVD relating to birds or a general science topic