Bird photography

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)

of Celeste Campbell Center

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Bird photography

Bird list for May 8, 2014, for walk at Fern Ridge (Royal Ave. and at Acorn Woodpecker Oaks).

Compiled by Doris Wimber

Weather was cool, cloudy with periodic misty rain.

There were many birds in large numbers, this list is probably not complete.  

The Red Knot was our most unexpected sighting.

1. Western grebe

2. American white pelican

3. American bittern

4. Great blue heron

5. Canada goose

6. Mallard

7. Gadwall

8. Cinnamon teal

9. Turkey vulture

10. Sora (heard)

11. American coot

12. Red knot

13. Eurasian collared dove

14. Mourning dove

15. Vaux's swift

16. Anna's hummingbird

17. Acorn woodpecker

18. Hairy woodpecker

19. Northern flicker

20. Scrub jay

21. Common raven

22. Tree swallow

23. Violet-green swallow

24. Cliff swallow

25. Purple martin

26. Bushtit

27. Black-capped chickadee

28. Marsh wren

29. American robin

30. European starling

31. Common yellowthroat

32. Yellow-rumped warbler

33. Song sparrow

34. Savannah sparrow

35. Red-winged blackbird

36. Purple finch

37. American goldfinch

38. Lesser goldfinch