provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

BOGS Millrace,

Oct 12, 2017

From the time we started out gathering at the Millrace parking lot and until 10am, it was raining enough that I wasn't sure I would be taking any pictures at all. Indeed Don and I both kept our cameras under wraps until after 10am. At that point however, a Black Phoebe came along quickly followed by a Wilson's Snipe RIGHT UP CLOSE just as the rain stopped for a while.

We were standing on the bridge over the Jasper Slough. Both the Phoebe and the Snipe were below us and did not seem to be alert to our presence above them on the bridge. After a few minutes it got even better as another Snipe flew out from under the bridge and landed even closer to us. Often one sees a Snipe only after it has taken flight, and it flies extremely fast (easily identified by its fast flight with sharply angled pointed wings). Or else one happens to see one sitting perfectly still and extremely well camoflaged. This time the Snipe were walking about and feeding, apparently oblivious to our presence somehow.

Bird List compiled by Steve Barron

Here's the list from (the Millrace bird walk) 10/12/2017. Weather was a little wet, but not bad.

  1. Green Heron
  2. Domestic Goose
  3. Cacklers (geese)
  4. Mallard Ducks
  5. Wilson's Snipe
  6. Belted Kingfisher
  7. Northern Flicker
  8. Black Phoebe
  9. Steller's Jay
  10. California (scrub) Jay
  11. Swallows (sp?)
  1. Black-capped Chickadee
  2. Brown Creeper (heard)
  3. Bewick's Wren (heard)
  4. Varied Thrush
  5. Spotted Towhee (heard)
  6. Fox Sparrow
  7. Song Sparrow
  8. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  9. Dark-eyed Junco
  10. Lesser Goldfinch
  11. European Starling