provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

background color strip DARK BROWN background
DARK BROWN background
  1. . Pied-billed grebe
  2. . Double-crested cormorant
  3. . Great blue heron
  4. . Green heron
  5. . Great egret
  6. . Greater white-fronted goose
  7. . Canada goose
  8. . Wood duck
  9. . Mallard
  10. . Gadwall
  11. . Shoveller
  12. . Green-winged teal
  13. . Ring-necked duck
  14. . Lesser scaup
  15. . Bufflehead
  16. . Hooded merganser
  17. . Red-shouldered hawk
  18. . American coot
  19. . Glaucous-winged gull
  20. . Gulls, unidentified
  21. . Belted kingfisher
  1. . Anna's hummingbird
  2. . Red-shafted flicker
  3. . Downy woodpecker
  4. . Black phoebe
  5. . Scrub jay
  6. . American crow
  7. . Black-capped chickadee
  8. . Brown creeper
  9. . Bewick's wren
  10. . Ruby-crowned kinglet
  11. . Yellow-rumped warbler
  12. . American robin
  13. . European starling
  14. . Spotted towhee
  15. . Song sparrow
  16. . Golden-crowned sparrow
  17. . Dark-eyed junco
  18. . House finch
  19. . American goldfinch
  20. . Pine siskin
DARK BROWN background

Don Laufer took this video of the Downy Woodpecker which entertained many of us righ up close, on this bird walk. The resolution is great even if you view it at full screen. (click box-like icon below video for full screen and use the "esc" key to return to normal)