provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

BOGS Fern Ridge Royal,

July 26, 2018

July 26 met all expectations for being a very hot day. I turned around at the observation plaform, while the rest of the group got only a little further South. They did not get as far as the more interesting shorebirds which had been reported in previous days on OBOL.

Don wrote:
We didn't get as far south as the Wednesday group did where there are large expanses of mudflats so we didn't see very many sandpipers. There were scattered
1&2: Leasts and Killdeer in the area where the Long-billed Dowitchers were wading.
3&4: East of there a couple of us saw both a Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs.
5. I believe I saw a female Common Yellowthroat but it was too obscured in my pictures for a positive ID.
6. Mary Lee saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Janet compiled a bird list from her own observations.

  1. Turkey vulture
  2. Osprey
  3. American crow
  4. Song sparrow
  5. Marsh wren
  6. White pelican
  7. Northern harrier
  8. Savannah sparrow
  9. Tree swallow
  10. Violet green swallow
  11. Heard: Greater Yellowlegs: (Call note varying, alternating between 3 and 4 notes)
  1. Barn swallow
  2. Purple martin
  3. Black tern
  4. Cinnabar teal
  5. Killdeer
  6. Dowitcher (most likely Long-billed)
  7. Least sandpiper
  8. Dunlin
  9. Red winged blackbird
  10. American robin
  11. Canada goose
  12. Mallard duck
DARK BROWN background