provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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In the past I have restricted the annual slideshow to photos only taken on BOGS birdwalks. But there are some birds we rarely or never seem to see on BOGS bird walks, including some which do pass through this part of the valley. For example, Don and I photographed Black-necked Stilt, White-faced Ibis and Wilson's Phalaropes in breeding plumage at the Fisher Unit of Fern Ridge this Spring. I've included those photos.

Because so many interesting species are seen by many of our members on the annual Central Oregon birding trips, many of which are rarely or never seen in the Willamette Valley, I am including some exceptionally nice photos from the Lakeview Trip which Floyd led. In addition, Jody and I went to the Gray's Harbor Shorebird festival, where we saw Common Loons in breeding plumage, Black-bellied Plover in breeding plumage, and a few other interesting species. While it is sometimes possible to see these on the Oregon Coast, BOGS members take very few group trips to find these birds so I included a half dozen photos from Gray's Harbor. At the very end of the slideshow are three "PREVIEW" photos of Atlantic Puffins taken by Jody during our birding trip to Maine. At some later date, Jody will be making a presentation about the Road Scholar Maine trip we took in August.