provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

background color strip DARK BROWN background

Birds of Oregon and General Science
Volunteers 2022

Questions about BOGS? Contact:

HOME page

Volunteer Coordinators:
President:Position currently vacant since 2018
Treasurer Neena Henry
Meeting Facilitator:Temporarily Shared by volunteers
Contacts for Speakers: Cindy Robinson & Neena Henry
Bird Walk Leaders (core group): Janet Naylor, Betsy Huffsmith, Donna Albino, Priscilla Sokolowski.
Bird Walk Photographers: Don Laufer,Priscilla Sokolowski, and anyone else wishing to contribute.
Acknowledgement will be given to photographers for their photos
Web page, online photo albums and trip reports: Priscilla Sokolowski
Membership/Registration: Jody Fairchild & Carolyn Nielsen
Email (weekly) announcements to BOGS Members: Priscilla Sokolowski
Organize Potluck: Joyce Churchill and Mary Morrison
Suggestions from members regarding possible future speakers are always appreciated.

Questions about BOGS? EMAIL: