provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

BOGS Mt Pisgah,

Sept 14, 2017

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Scroll down below the Mt. Pisgah slides to see the Sept 28 Kirk Pond bird walk slides.
Although 21 species of birds were seen on the Sept 14 Mt Pisgah bird walk, only a half-dozen photos were taken due to low light levels. Below that slide show you will find the slideshow for the Kirk Pond bird walk.

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Bird List compiled by Doris Wimber

Bird list for walk on Sept. 14, 2017, at Mt. Pisgah Arboretum, lower elevation trails.
Weather was sunny and warm.

  1. Canada goose
  2. Mallard
  3. Wild turkey (at Campbell Center)
  4. Green heron
  5. Turkey vulture
  6. Osprey
  7. Red-tailed hawk
  8. American kestrel
  9. Northern flicker
  10. Downy woodpecker
  11. Olive-sided flycatcher
  1. Western wood peewee
  2. California scrub jay
  3. Steller’s jay
  4. Black-capped chickadee
  5. Wrentit
  6. American robin
  7. European starling
  8. Black-throated gray warbler
  9. Spotted towhee (heard)
  10. Song sparrow
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Scroll down below this bird list to see the Sept 28 Kirk Pond bird walk slides.

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Bird List compiled by Doris Wimber

Bird list for walk at Kirk Pond area on September 28, 2017. Weather was warm and sunny.

  1. Canada goose
  2. Pied-billed grebe
  3. Western grebe
  4. Gadwall
  5. Gull, unidentified
  6. Great Blue Heron
  7. Great Egret
  8. Turkey vulture
  9. Red-shouldered hawk (heard)
  10. Killdeer (heard)
  11. Spotted sandpiper
  12. Rock pigeon
  13. Belted kingfisher
  14. Northern flicker
  15. Hairy woodpecker
  1. Shrike (Northern or Loggerhead?)
  2. Steller’s jay
  3. California scrub jay
  4. American crow
  5. Black-capped chickadee
  6. Bushtit
  7. Brown creeper
  8. Ruby-crowned kinglet
  9. European starling
  10. Cedar waxwing
  11. Spotted towhee (heard)
  12. Savannah sparrow
  13. Song sparrow
  14. Red-winged blackbird
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BOGS Kirk Pond,

Sept 28, 2017