provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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Bird List compiled by Doris Wimber

Bird list for walk at Golden Gardens Park, April 26, 2018, 9:30 to 11:30. Weather was cloudy and cool then sunny and warm for the last half of the morning. Birders got very spread out, so bird list may not be complete. Please send back any birds which you saw which are not on the list.

  1. 1. Great blue heron
  2. Canada goose
  3. Wood duck (in air)
  4. Mallard
  5. Gadwall
  6. Turkey vulture
  7. Northern harrier
  8. American kestrel
  9. Killdeer
  10. Anna’s hummingbird
  11. Northern flicker
  12. Warbling vireo
  1. Swallows (species?)
  2. Bewick’s wren (heard)
  3. American robin
  4. European starling
  5. Wilson’s warbler
  6. Orange-crowned warbler
  7. Yellow-rumped warbler
  8. Song sparrow
  9. Golden-crowned sparrow
  10. Red-winged blackbird
  11. House finch
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Trip Report written by Don Laufer

The day started out cloudy and slightly cool but cleared to partly cloudy and very pleasant. We had no declared leader so the group of about 20 people managed to get pretty strung out as we went around the ponds. There were a few Mallards and Canada Geese with young on the first pond.

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Next to the path that runs along the small stream that feeds into the pond there were a pair of Killdeer acting very agitated at our presence so we soon moved on. A city mowing tractor that was mowing along the paths headed in that direction not long after we left but bye-passed that immediate area.

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I often wonder how Killdeer manage to successfully nest in such open and exposed areas with all of the people, dogs and machines that frequent them! Several people heard Yellow-rumped and Wilson's Warblers in the small trees along the stream and a flycatcher gave us brief glimpses but not enough for an ID.

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Male and female Red-winged Blackbirds were quite active and an occasional Common Yellowthroat could be heard in the thickets close to the water. We scoped a Kestrel roosting in the tall trees northeast of the main pond and a pair of Harriers were patrolling the grass fields. We got brief glimpses of a Wilson's Warbler and a Warbling Vireo in the thickets next to the northern most pond as well as a number of Anna's Hummingbirds.

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A pair of Wood Ducks and a Pied-billed Grebe were on the water and a Bewick's Wren could be heard singing lustily in the trees. All-in-all it was a rather quiet day.

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