provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

background color strip DARK BROWN background

BOGS Practices, Protocols
and the People who make it work

1. Basics:
BOGS is an eclectic group of people interested in learning about birds and general science topics. We meet every Thursday morning at the Campbell Center on 155 High Street in Eugene, from September through May. The first and third Thursdays are lectures on birds or general science topics. The second, fourth and fifth Thursdays are bird walks. The membership fee per quarter is $5.00. This goes to pay rent expenses for the room and other group expenses.
Formally, we have three Quarters: Fall, Winter, and Spring. During the Summer, some members informally continue to go birding together on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursdays. These walks are coordinated by Jody Fairchild and Priscilla Sokolowski. Those who wish to join us meet at 8am (not 9am as in other terms of the year), in the Campbell Center parking lot. This website usually provides information about the destinations of the Summer trips a day or two in advance.
Registration is the first meeting of each quarter. A DVD is shown on topics relating to birding on the first and last day of each quarter, during the registration process and at the potluck. A potluck is held the last meeting of each quarter as an opportunity to get better acquainted.

2. Lectures:
Start at 9AM, end at 11AM.
Lectures are in the Celeste Campbell Center conference room, located on the right, past the front entry doors.
We start on time and try to keep our initial reports limited to 15 minutes, with the featured presentation beginning at 9:15 AM.
A $1.00 donation is requested to help with the stipend we give to speakers as part of a thank you for their time and expertise for presenting at our meetings. Some of our speakers come from out of town, so the stipend helps with their travel expenses.
There is a 10 minute break at 10 AM.

3. Bird Walks:
*** Bird walks are free and you do not have to be a member to go on bird walks. ***
Steve Barron, the trip leader, usually announces the week ahead, where we will go birding.
We meet in the Celeste Campbell Center 10 minutes before 9am, to get driving and other instructions, and to arrange car-pooling.
We leave promptly at 9 AM, and return by 12Noon. Longer trips, which are rare, will be announced in advance.
Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes.
Bring binoculars if you have them. A field guide to birds can also be very helpful.
It is suggested you offer at least a $1.00 donation to the person driving, to help with the cost of gas.
If the driver does not wish to be compensated for gas, please consider donating the money to the speaker fund on your next visit to the center.
Basic Etiquette for bird walks:
Stay behind the Leader.
Stay in the front group with Steve and speak in soft voices if you want to get the most from your birding experience.
Scope use: look briefly and let others look, so that everyone gets to see.
If you wish to socialize, please drop back far enough so as not to disturb those more intent on birding.

Begins at 10 AM, ends at 12 Noon.
Potluck's provide an opportunity for us to get better acquainted, and celebrate the end of a quarter.
At the last lecture meeting each quarter there is a sign-up sheet on the back table.
You need to bring your own plate, utensils, napkin and drinking cup to help minimize our expenses to the Center.
Coffee and tea are provided, however, you are welcome to bring your own preferred beverage.
This is intended to be a relaxed, fun time, for eating together and socializing.

Volunteer Coordinators:
Meeting Facilitator and Contact for Speakers: Debby Hite
Bird Walks Leader: Steve Barron
Bird Walk Photographers: Priscilla Sokolowski, Don Laufer, and anyone else wishing to contribute.
Acknowledgement will be given to photographers for their photos
Web page, online photo albums and trip reports: Priscilla Sokolowski
Membership/Registration: Jody Fairchild
Treasurer and Email announcements to BOGS Members: Doris Wimber
Telephone Caller: Beth Ann Bell
Organize Potluck: Joyce Churchill and Mary Morrison
Get well and sympathy cards Phyllis Earley
Coordinate BOGS basket (contribution to Campbell Center's fund raising Bazaar)Debby Hite
Set up for coffee/tea for 1st and last meetings of each quarter Beth Ann Bell and Joyce Churchill
Suggestions from members regarding possible future speakers are always appreciated.

Questions about BOGS? EMAIL: