provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

Common Redpolls in Eugene,

Jan 2, 2018

Common Redpolls breed in the far northern reaches of Canada and Alaska. They Winter in southern Canada and to some extent in norther US states. They are regarded as rare in Oregon, according to Sibley's Guide. I had never seen a Common Redpoll until yesterday, Jan 2, 2018.

The Redpolls were (and still are at this writing Wed Jan 3) on the bike path near the river right by the (former?)EWEB building. I went there around 2pm on Tuesday and there was a steady stream of birders coming and going the entire 35 minutes I was there. It was practically a "who's who" of the birding community. When I arrived, the President of the local Audubon Society, Maeve Sowles, pointed me in the right direction as she was leaving

There were two Redpolls and they were very difficult to see. Not just for me, but for each birder who came along. It took most of them a few minutes of looking in the right area before they could see these small almost non-moving birds. The birds DID move their heads around to feed on catkins but only once in a while did they hop from one branch to another.

Jody Fairchild went to see the Redpolls a day or two later. The birds were closer to the bike path, and at least some of the time they were not as obscured by branches and twigs. Consequently she got better close-ups than any that I have seen of these birds.

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