provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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  • Web page: Priscilla Sokolowski
  • Photographers: Priscilla Sokolowski and Jody Fairchild
  • Other credits: Birding checklists and Maps:
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MENU: Click on desired link to JUMP directly to particular section

JUMP to Boot Head Preserve (Bog walk- Blue-headed Vireo)
Boot Head bog was Tues morning Aug 21

JUMP to West Quoddy Head (Lighthouse)
West Quoddy Lighthouse was Tues morning Aug 21 after the bog walk.

JUMP to South Lubec Sandbar
Our visit to the Lubec Sandbar was Tuesday afternoon Aug 21

JUMP to Campobello Island (Herring Cove - Pacific Loon)
This was our first stop on Wednesday Aug 22, morning.

JUMP to Visitor Center Birding (Merlin)
Visitor Center was on Campobello Island in Canada; Wednesday Aug 22, after a picnic lunch

JUMP to Eastport (Head Harbor Passage Boat Trip - Parasitic Jaeger)
Eastport boating excursion to Head Harbor Passage was Thursday morning Aug 23
After the boat trip we went in search of Bob-o-links at Passamaquoddy Walking Path-Sweet Grass Field. Those photos are within (at the end) of the slideshow for the boating trip)

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Monday Aug 20:
Birding Machias Seal Island

Maine Audubon's Naturalist Doug Hitchcox was one of our guides for the entire weeklong program. He wrote the following about our morning trip to Machias Seal Island:
"We were incredibly lucky to be allowed to land on the island during this trip. Calm sea conditions, a late nesting season for ATPUs (, and a very gracious captain culminated in a smooth landing and super intimate views of puffins from blinds. Ralph Eldrige reported two Lark Sparrows on the island recent, at least one on this morning, but we were not able to locate them from the areas we visited."

Click here for FULL CHECKLIST in eBird (

Click here for MAP

Jody Fairchild took the photos seen here for the boat trip to Machias Seal Island to see the Atlantic Puffins.