provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

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Mt Pisgah Lewis's Woodpecker & Brown Creeper
Sept 22, 2017

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Following up on Julia Siporin's OBOL post about a family of Lewis's Woodpeckers at Mt Pisgah, Betsy Huffsmith and I went out to find the birds and photograph them.

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This bird is a juvenile. Adults would have a red face. The presence of a juvenile strongly suggests that Lewis's Woodpeckers nested successfully at Mt Pisgah this year. I do not think there are many records in recent years, of breeding Lewis's Woodpeckers in the Willamette Valley.

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These photos were taken on Sept 22, 2017. The week after these were taken, there were postings on OBOL about migrating Lewis's Woodpeckers. Forty to sixty of them were recorded migrating South along Green Ridge, which is east of Camp Sherman and North of Black Butte Ranch. A few others were reported in the Willamette Valley in places not normally seen, so those were probably migrating too.

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