provided by:

Priscilla Sokolowski

Eugene, OR

Photos from personal trips  AND trips with

“Birds of Oregon and General Science” (BOGS)


Bird photography

background color strip DARK BROWN background

What's coming up next at BOGS

Thursday, Oct 29, Bird Walk,
Destination: Bike Path at Valley River Center Pedestrian Bridge
Meet at Campbell Center for car-pooling before 9am. We will return by Noon.

Links to Recently added photo pages and/or trip reports:

  1. BOGS Finley Wildlife Refuge Oct 22, 2015 Trip Report

  2. BOGS Finley Refuge Slide Show, Oct 22, 2015

The following widget shows all birds reported to eBird in our area over the last two weeks!
Instructions for extracting the most information from this widget can be found further down this page



  1. If you click on the + sign at the far right of any entry, you will get a little box showing the name of the person who saw and reported the bird in that row, and the date. (scroll down to see the earlier sightings)
  2. If you click on the name of a bird, you will get a list of all the sightings and locations of that bird in the last two weeks.
  3. If you click on any location names next to a bird species, you will get a bird list for that location on the date of that bird entry.
  4. Remember to scroll back to the top so you can see the navigation bar again.