Bird Photography

Photos from personal trips
and special interest projects

provided by:
Priscilla Sokolowski
Eugene, OR

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SUBJECT Project Description and sample photo Link to Journal/Photo Album
Newport Peregrins
Aug 5, 2014

Jody Fairchild, Marylee Sayre and I
went to Newport. I photographed Peregrin Falcons, Whimbrels,
a few other shorebirds, and Purple Martins.

Click here for photo album
Green Herons
at Delta Ponds
(Ponds along the river),
Summer 2013

Summer 2013, Green Herons were easily seen and photographed,
allowing me to study the plumage of the juvenile
and adult birds through the months.
*** There is an AMAZING variety of postures seen here! ***

Adults have less streaking on sides of chestnut-colored neck.
Juveniles have yellow/white spots on wings, and the yellow-white
edges of the wing feathers are a little more pronounced.

Now available! PHOTO ALBUM
(uploaded 8/9/14)
American Avocets
Nesting in Western Oregon
June 16, 2014

Jody Fairchild, Marylee Sayre and I
walked out to the Barn Pond
at Fern Ridge Reservoir from 8:30 to 11:30
to see the nesting Avocets, and Blue-Winged Teal

Click here for Journal/Album
Corvallis Audubon
birding Finley Refuge
May 10, 2014

Four of us went on this
8am-Noon bird walk

Click here to read Trip Report

Finley Album
Lunar Eclipse
April 15-16, 2014

See the entire Lunar Eclipse sequence!
Although clouds began covering the sky before totality,
I discovered my camera could photograph the eclipsed
Moon through the clouds! Even when my eyes
could not see the Moon at all, by setting the ISO to 6400,
the increased light sensitivity could detect the copper-colored light
of the eclipsed Moon through the clouds!

The exposure time of a photograph (and the aperture size) can be changed;
in this case allowing the camera to show the dimmer, more subtle
aspects of the moments when the Earth's shadow first begins to "bite"
the edge of the Moon. Our eyes shut down too much to see these,
because of all the bright light from the rest of the Moon.

For some photos, I changed the exposure time to feature
the darker portion of the phenomenon; and for other photos
I featured the brighter portions. But for most photos
I stayed with a similar setting which best captured
what was most interesting to see.

Because I could not keep the Moon centered in the camera field of view
especially when I couldn't SEE the Moon, the slideshow is jumpy -
the Moon appears in a different portion of the frame in each picture.

I apologize for the jumpiness
and hope you will enjoy what I was able to capture.

Click here for photo album
Great Horned Owl Nest
Delta Ponds
Jan - May, 2014

Detailed Journal
with Photos

Burns, Oregon,
April 11-13, 2014

Birds-of-Prey and Woodpecker tours
Plus some additional exploring

Festival Album
Favorite photos taken in the Eugene area,
Sept 2013 - April 2014

Potpourri Album

Beginning in January 2014, I made 8 trips
to Linn county to get some good photographs
of the Short-Eared Owls which were over-wintering there.
This album contains the best photos from those trips.
Short-Eared Owl Album
WOOD DUCK Photographic Study

This began with a question from Floyd: "Can you/one tell the sex of a juvenile Wood Duck? Since Wood Ducks have become far less afraid of people at the Delta Ponds along the river, and since their were four pairs of Wood Ducks raising families in the Spring and Summer of 2013, it was easy for me to take pictures of them several days a week.

My objective was to determine at what point the chicks/juvenile birds
first begin to show any markings which definitively indicate which sex they are.

Photo Album not uploaded yet

Burrowing Owl

Overwintering in Halsey area, Dec 2013- end of Feb 2014
I went up to Linn County three times with various friends,
to see and photograph this bird

Photo Album
Coming soon!